For the world of Midgard, it has been one thousand years since gods, humans and demons were at war. The war grounded to a stalemate, and so an uneasy truce was agreed upon by all. During this time of long, troubled peace, humanity eventually turned their back on history and became vain and greedy. Signs of the gods’ and demons’ anger at this behavior appeared in the form of earthquakes, tidal waves and wild animal attacks throughout Midgard. As prophecies of a second war spread, so do stories about mysterious items called a “Ymirs” which are believed to be responsible for preserving Midgard’s millenium of peace. Fervent rumors also spread that these Ymir grant great power to those who possess them. Whether for good or for evil, now is your chance to seek out the Ymir pieces and control the fate of all Midgard.
Ragnarok Online is a MMORPG whose mythos is based heavily on Norse mythology, with references to other cultures as well. There is much to do in the land of Midgard, including taking on quests, hunting monsters and participating in administrator-run random events. This MMOG also features a unique form of guild vs. guild combat called the “War of Emperium” during which several guilds fight for control of castles with dungeons and treasures inaccessible to non-guild members.
There is no crafting in Ragnarok Online, but money can be earned by selling item drops from defeated monsters, including rare item drops not otherwise available in stores. Characters begin the game as Novice class until the requirements of a specific class are met. Ragnarok Online uses a traditional stat and skill system for characters as well as HP (Hit Point) and SP (Spell Point) bars. When players die in this MMO (reach 0 HP), they are transported to their last city save point and suffer a 1% reduction of already earned experience points, except in the case of Novice-classed characters.

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